Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Did I ever have fun today! I spent more than two hours shopping at F & S. And I wasn't shopping for me, oh no!! I was shopping for glorious Lori :)) It will be a surprise for her- and all of you as well. All I will say is it is delicious!
Lori: I have to do something before I ship, so please wait a few days :))

I really need to do more giveaways- I love them!


And I'd like to thank Cennetta of The Mahogany Stylist for nominating me for the Kreativ Blog award. Thank you, Cennetta!


Cindy: yes they are flamingo stockings :)) Ever since we spent a month and a half in Daytona Beach putting up a show, we've been dreaming about moving to Florida. We even have flamingos in the yard :)))


Now, back to the plaid jacket I'm making:

Erica B. wrote a post today- maybe her shortest post ever ? :)) Check it out if you haven't already. I'm a wimp when it comes to SO MANY THINGS! I hate roller coasters,  I can't stand being cold, my head can absolutely NOT get under water, and if water gets in my eyes it hurts like acid - what's with that??? Anywho, that was the SHORT list and I won't bore you with stuff like that :)
But there's ONE thing that's not on that list: Sewing. I'm absolutely fearless and I how no clue how that happened. All I know is that I'm passionate about it. Maybe that's the secret: passion = fearlessness.

This started out as a simple project. But it's not any more. If you want plaid to match up, it's not going to be a simple project, period. And as soon as I figured as much, the rest of the project took on a life of its own. The lining will have piped seams in contrast (fuchsia), all the buttons will be different, and I think I'll embroider my logo and add a chain to the neck like Erica B. did on her recent jacket.

As you will see below, the neck facing is the only place where I had my head on backwards :)) I completely forgot to cut to match the back. And the pocket bags... all I can say is I didn't have the lining fabric when I did them :)) A little bit of bubble gum for breakfast, maybe... :))


  1. You're enjoyment is almost infectious! I wish I could go home and do some sewing instead of having to be at work. Oh well....it is great to see what you are doing.

  2. Looks good so far... I love the idea of a piped lining! Well, I love the idea of someone *else* doing a piped lining, LOL.

  3. Totally off topic, but I thought you and other LA area sewers might be interested..... Bonhams is auctioning off a few items from the LA County Museum of Art's costume collection. If you go to the Bonhams dot com website, you can select "future sales". Look for the Sunset Estate Auction coming up in February. I don't know if you'd be interested in bidding, but it might be fun to go check out the construction on "viewing" day.

  4. Birgitte, I am so excited, thank you once again. Your jacket looks fantastic, I so enjoy your pictures and information.

  5. I can't wait to see what you got for her!

  6. I should try bubble gum for breakfast cause the result so far is awesome even with the mismatched pocket bags !
