I think I've finally lost it.
My good sense, that is.
If I ever had one in the first place.
I was gonna make a skirt out of this leftover piece of knit that I used for a top last year.
My very first Pattern Review. Then, after putting together the parka... No no no!!!
Unless, of course, I want to walk around like a giant shapeless blob.
The stiffness and airy bulk (?) of this fabric/design can only be excused by some super slender legs with no- and I mean NO- room to spare. That's when I got this brilliant idea to make a pair of pants in the same BWOF pattern I did my recent Black ones. Trouble is, I'm not twenty, and this is a knit (although it's got some kind of coating, no idea what the content is). So, before I complete my super-duper-tight-squeeze-your-butt-into-these pants, I need my Spanx.

Funny how Bare Necessity (and I mean literally as well, since that's where I ordered from) makes you stumble upon new inventions... After reading up on this stuff, I suppose I'm late to the party. Nothing new there. I live in Tinseltown, but might as well be in a shack in the mountains. That's how much I get around. Don't feel bad, I like I like. And when I do get out, like today, armed with a purpose, Rodeo Drive is five minutes away.
Waiting for my Spanx, I thought a pair of shoes would be a good idea. I was gonna order online, where I do most of my shopping. Even had a pair in my shopping bag at Zappos. Then DH walks in. I proudly show him my find, whereby he gets this look. "What?!", I say, actually quite irked since I thought I'd done a marvelous job. "They look too cheap", he says, looking over at the ensemble on the dress form. My heart sank. They were cheap, and that's precisely why I was proud. Go figure. Okay, I thought, you want sticker shock? Let me cruise over to Saks, Neimen, and Barneys. "How about these", I say, and he nods his head in agreement. Versace sandals, $900.00. "Will you be wearing them with other things?" ... Wow, he never ceases to amaze me.
Bottom line; we went to Versace, they didn't have the same ones, but something equally glam- and on sale.

So that's where I'm at: A pair of glorious shoes and a half finished pair of pants and a parka that still needs a zipper and a tie band. And no Spanx.
And no idea what to wear under the parka. Like I said, I may very well have lost it.